Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 1st: Christmas for the Homeless (November COMPLETE)

Merry early Christmas to everyone!

So I've decided I prefer the format of explaining how my first goal went and then moving onto my new goal for this month, so from here on out I will be doing it this way.

For November I set some fears up for myself to conquer, well the bird one was a little challenging because it's November and all birds decided to get away from this cold weather and head south, lucky buggers. My friend I mentioned previously about the bird fear and terrorizing me promised when Spring comes around she will go feed the geese with me, so that fear will still be conquered! Although I'm still afraid... 
For my bridge fear - it was conquered - sort of. I managed to walk across the bridge, take some pictures of the view, but the whole time I was just anxious to get off, it was shaky, loud, cars zooming by terrified me. It just wasn't a good feeling being up there and so as soon as I walked across I was quick to head back to the other side to get to our car. I'm very glad I could do it, and even if I didn't conquer the actual fear I can still say I have tried!
For my criticism one it didn't go how I planned, which is funny. I really want to take my art in to be criticized by a real tattoo artist and try to get an apprenticeship but the timing isn't right I've realized; My life is going in such a different direction right now that if I was given the opportunity would I really be ready to take it? I don't want to have that question floating in my head I want to be above one hundred percent sure so thus led to my decision. Instead, I dared to explore the internet site of YouTube and made a channel where I dedicated to gaming, who better to critique you than people on the internet? Sure they may be hiding behind another computer screen like you or I but they still have the freedom to speak their mind. I was surprised with the praise I have gotten and attention my channel quickly gained, it was a great feeling to let myself be vulnerable for a bit and know that it was worth it. Although I kept it hidden from my friends for awhile they managed to find my channel any ways and they told me I gave them a good laugh, which also made me smile... 

This fear was conquered. 
So what I have learned from this goal is to just step outside the box, face a fear, you may not overcome it but you will always know you have tried and have a great story to tell.
If you'd like to check out my YouTube channel:

Now, onto my December goal.
I just finished setting up my small little Christmas tree before I wrote this and I'm starting to get in that mood that Christmas-y mood, even while writing this I'm listening to Christmas jingles, oh dear! 

If someone asked you, "What is Christmas?" How would you respond? 
As soon as Halloween was over the next day I went into Starbucks to find that they already had decorations up, a week or so later I found the mall playing Christmas music already and the television taken over with Christmas commercials. I was at the gas station three days ago and I was talking to the cashier, she told me she had stopped celebrating Christmas ten years ago. She said she doesn't believe in it any more and that's when she asked me, "What is Christmas?" My reply was a saddened response of "Just another marketing tool." She nodded and said, "Exactly it..." 
If you really think of it, the true Christmas feeling we got vanished when we found out Santa wasn't real but we are also told to learn the real meaning, it's a time of giving but most of us have forgotten that. When we think of giving we think of giving someone an overpriced present that has no true sentimental meaning to it. We expect or demand something instead of just being happy with whatever we may receive. This is what has ruined what Christmas is meant to be. 
So my goal for this month is all about giving to people who will truly appreciate the meaning of giving. I will be going down to Vancouver before/during/after Christmas and giving the homeless food. Our left over turkey dinners will be made into small meals for them like; sandwiches, desserts, etc. 
If I do this I think I'll really learn the true meaning of Christmas, giving something to someone and not expect anything back in return. Isn't that what this month is suppose to be about? Giving selflessly? 
I'm feeling jollier already, ho ho ho everyone.

If you'd like to donate (give perishable foods, etc.) or help in any way feel free to contact me:


                                          This little 3ft tree holds a lot of love and memories, I've had it since I was born and it's all I need to make my home remind me of the Xmas spirit.
Here is me conquering the bridge...Sorta *cough cough* Beautiful view though!

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 1st: Face Your Fears (October 31st COMPLETE)

Let's just pretend that it is November 1st and not November 5th...Yeah, oops!

So first I am going to talk about my completion of the October goal and then will move on to November and what I hope to accomplish for this month. 
October was a great month to really push my artistic talents; Deciding to do a sketch a day really was a challenge to work my mind to be creative and step outside the box and try new things that I've never drawn before. Even in this month those sketches showed an improvement from the beginning to the end and it is amazing how much my art can still grow just when I think I am at my peak, I still truly have more to learn than I thought. As my sketches progressed I watched as the ones I rushed looked not as good as the ones I really took my time on. I found myself swamped with midterms and work, so I gave weekends as my studying days where I didn't draw - so my sketch a day turned into only on weekdays but it made me able to find a balance in my life. The biggest problem I had was uploading them to social networks because my scanner refused to work for me so I had to use a very poor quality web-camera. In the middle of October I took on a few more human sketches like of Lady Gaga where I'd take a half hour out of two days to complete it and put more time and effort into it, I find these ones to be amazing and it really makes me proud to say these are my drawings. From October 24th we were given a project in my painting class to do a celebrity portrait that we admire, but we had to grid it off and paint each square with different shading, we were told to use 2-5 in four squares and 6-9 on other four squares, leaving the middle a pure 1 or 10. Since we had to do one square a day for the next 9 days it worked out quite well and it ended up being my last artwork for the month and it is the one I am proud of the most. During this experience I actually went through different emotions; I was nervous that I would mess up and ruin my art work, which I feel would be shown in my drawing, excitement as I came to a finish and couldn't help but gaze at my own art work for long moments of time at how well I did. It was a great ego boost to myself and I got a tremendous amount of feedback from people telling me how great all my art work was, this goal and what I am doing is a great thing even inspiring and I think no matter how many times I am told that it will never get old. To think it's already been half a year since I began this and came so far is truly life changing and I can't help but gush and continuously thank everyone for there support along the way.
So since I am turning into a sap and getting off track I'll add some pictures of my art work and without further ado explain my next goal for November.

This month I have decided it's time to face some fears I have in life, some are embarrassing but I think we all have one fear that is silly in another's eyes.
Bridges - Okay this is my embarrassing fear that I'm going to get out of the way first. When I was very little I had nightmares of driving on a bridge and it just falling apart, chaos happening and then as I hit the water I'd wake up in a panic. Final Destination helped so much by making everyone die on a bridge...Thank you movies for bringing my imagination alive in such a wrong way. Any ways it's pretty sad how nervous I get when I drive over a bridge so I think I'm going to suck it up and attempt to walk across a bridge, yeah just take it to the extreme. I'm sure everyone will love to see pictures of me crying, holding onto the railing saying I want off, so I'll try my best NOT to do that!
Birds - So this is another embarrassing one...Why am I publicly embarrassing myself like this? Again at an early age I was terrified of these seagulls, geese, etc. They would swoop down at you, try to poop on you, their annoying 'caws', just don't like them and they freak me out. One time a friend of mine and I went to a lake and there were Canadian Geese everywhere and so she thought it would be funny to put chips on the picnic bench I was sitting at, yeah not funny! dozens surrounded me and were fighting over the chips, I stood on top of the table freaking out while they hissed at me and came closer truly traumatizing! So maybe I'll try to feed some birds or hold one...Ugh the thought of this even makes me squirm in my seat.
Criticism - This is kind of interesting but I fear critiques and criticism. I have learned a lot in life that a lot of people are going to say no to you, people will always have something to say but you just have to take it with a grain of salt. I'm fine with that, the only true fear I have is about my art, since I didn't add for October seeing a artist for them to look at my art is because I wanted to add it into my fears. I am actually scared for a tattoo artist to look at my art. Mostly because I have thought up in my mind that they're going to say I'm horrible and I should just stop. I know I know, that's crazy but it's just something planted in my head. So I am going to go somewhere, tell them my goals and ambitions of where I want to be in the near future and hopefully they won't laugh in my face, they will enjoy my art and will want to help me. Scary? Maybe not. Intimidating? Heck yes.

So these are some really big fears I think I may be able to conquer! I'm really going to try my hardest to complete these ones, wish me luck.


Check out more of my artwork and such at

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1 Goal: Further Tattoo Career

So today I was told that it is October 1st. I didn't believe it because I swore yesterday it was only September 29th, which it was, I just didn't know the month was cut short...Oops!

My Independence goal is complete and I am going to first write about my experience before I go onto my next goal explanation. It was almost too easy I felt that I cheated myself even making this a goal but I didn't know it was going to be that way and I guess some things just come naturally. I feel like writing it's own post for this would be pointless because it would be so short, I don't have much to share about it, but there is one thing that did spice up this month for me. I decide to get a kitten! Her name is Sushi and she is a little adorable brat, she was a handful at first being brought into a new home curiosity would get the best of her and she would make messes for me when I would come home from school...Not fun. Also, my sister decided to come home early and she brought with her a new puppy named Jaxon! He's a little trouble maker as well but they sure kept me busy and I guess I got the experience of what it is like to be a mother, with twins. I hope the day I have a baby it won't be twins I may lose my mind! Besides that the goal was a walk in the park, so for this goal I'm really going to push my limits and challenge myself, so without further ado onto explaining.

This goal I've decided to call it, "Further tattoo career" but it's not that by the end of the month I plan to be a tattoo artist already, it's just another step I will be taking to get me towards that in the near future, it is also to better myself in my artistic skills. I'm going to really push myself, learn new drawing ethics, going to show my art to tattoo artist and ask for some critique on my art and help with any questions I have, at the end of the month. I'm going to challenge my creativity with what I am calling, One drawing, one day. Which sounds exactly like the name of my goal blog, smart I know. I saw on instagram Kat Von D has something she does called "A sketch a day" where she'll sketch something up and post it every day and I love that idea, it really pushes you to be creative and draw everyday and showcase it, so that's what I am going to do as well for this month. Kat Von D is very inspiring to me when it comes to art, a very strong female tattoo artist that I look up to, she has been criticized and judged but I've never let it seen it get to her and from the looks of it she's only gotten stronger through all the bull shit - pardon my French - That is someone any struggling female artist could look up to.
Starting today, which still mind boggles me that it's already October, I will be doing a sketch! I'll upload them onto Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter but my blog posting will get the whole album at the end of the month.

If anyone has ideas for what they would like to see me draw I'm all ears! I'd love to take someones idea so they can see it come to life, or maybe incorporate it into something else that I have thought up. I have 31 days of drawing so let's get creative this month :)


Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 1 Goal: Independence

Sometimes life grants you with a favour when you are working towards something that can help you out along the way. Things can change that you have planned and so you have to learn how to work around it to keep things going successfully. 

What I'm getting at is for what was suppose to be my October goal is now going to be my September goal and October I will be doing what I was going to do this month.
 Why? Well for my October goal I had planned to learn the meaning of "independence" and try to move out of my mom's house. I knew last month that that wasn't going to happen because I decided to go back to school and it was going to take a lot of my time to focus on that and I will be the 'struggling student' so money would be a big issue as well. 
Luckily this month, my sister decided to take a job experience being a Nanny in Nova Scotia for four months and my mother is going to Manitoba to visit family and her long time boyfriend for three months which leaves me with an empty house all to myself and a lot of responsibility. So this works out for me perfectly to experience what it will be like to live on my own, take care of a house and learn how to be smart with money (Which will be so difficult when you're a shoppaholic like me).

I will have to pay for groceries, cook my own meals, clean the house, pay for any car expenses, and as I type this never ending list I am thinking to myself, why am I doing this again? Oh right I get to realize what it's like to be independent....Woohoo, now I'm wishing my mom could take care of me my whole life! I'm glad I don't have a baby or kid to worry about as well. I'm already saying kudos to you stay at home moms and I haven't even started! 
Also if my friends are reading this, no it doesn't mean I will be having any crazy house parties so don't bother asking you brats. 

All joking aside I am excited to see what it will be like to have to be on my own, I also feel like it's going to prepare me for April when I plan on leaving to live in Japan for a few months - ah but we won't talk about that until I get there!

Wish me luck  T_T

PS. I know I know it's September 2nd but I had a rough weekend waiting since 3am to shop at an Aritzia sale (Like I said, shoppaholic) And I had a cold so it got worse waiting so yesterday I literally slept all day until this morning, on the bright side I am feeling better thanks for caring :3

Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31: Bikini Car Wash Fundraiser COMPLETE!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

To everyone who helped me out, supported me, and donated I am so grateful. You all helped make this goal for me possible.

Planning a charity was actually a lot of work! I never knew it would be so hard to find a place to even hold a car wash but luckily after calling dozens of places The Haney Pub in Maple Ridge helped us out and let us use their parking lot, which was great because it was on a busy road and they helped us out even by letting us borrow their supplies. 
We did the car wash for 3 hours and in the end we made $685.00! Which is amazing and mind blowing I can't even think of words I'm at such a loss still.  

This fundraiser was a huge hit, I am so grateful for all the support that was given in memory of my brother. My friends for supporting me, even if they couldn't make it out to help they still told me they'd donate and that I am in their thoughts, my family for sticking by my side and helping me wash all those cars, even my sister who is currently on the other side of Canada was still cheering me on and was there in spirit, the strangers who took a few minutes of their day to let us wash their cars and explain to them why we were holding the fundraiser and the story of my brother, their generous donations that left me speechless every time, and even the sun for shining down on us and gifting us with beautiful weather to wash cars in! 
After all of this I am very anxious to send in the money and a letter to SIDS organization, I am sure it will help some families dealing with losses and help research progress. 

I think my brother would be very proud of us all, how everyone managed to come together for a couple hours and support one another with support and love. It felt so rewarding to be doing something for someone else for a change, knowing that all the work we did is going to help someone who needs it. We are hoping we can make this an annual thing now and do it every August, we'll come back bigger and better! This goal is probably the most rewarding I have done so far and it makes me so glad that I have decided to do this, it's truly turning my life around and showing me people can make a difference even if it is one step at a time (or a month).
I can't say thank you enough to everyone and for everything they did to help me on this day.
Thank you.

Tomorrow I start my September goal, but until then I am going to take a long long well needed nap. Fighting!

Now here are a few pictures we took at the car wash
Us hard carwashing ladies!
 Best friend Jess, hosing down some cars!
 Cass's friends came to help! Thanks Jordan, Kiana and Erik
 Our great advertisement
 No matter how many times I told Nanny to stop she worked her butt off washing cars, crazy old lady!

 That's a serious washing face
Had a little bit too much fun with the pressure washer 

 Mom wearing a shirt in memory of Eric

 Was scared to wash this car, it was so nice!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1 Goal: Car Wash Fundraiser for SIDS

It's August 1st which means, time for me to move on to my next goal!
This goal is something I am looking forward to very much and think it will be very fun to do.
(I will also be explaining at the end of the post why I have not written a completion for my guitar goal.)

When we receive something feelings that flood through your body are nothing but positivity, you feel warm and cared about, happy that someone has taken the time to show their love for you, it truly is a great feeling and sometimes we want to do something nice back in return to show we value someone just as much. But sometimes we don't think about other people, like a stranger. It doesn't mean you're a bad person, we're all human and we can't please and help everyone we meet, I know for a fact I don't. That's why there's always great chances to help out like charities or fundraisers for different type of organizations let it be something like supporting a kids soccer team or raising money for a cure to cancer.
I myself have taken part in a few fundraisers here and there to help raise money for certain things because it gives you a different kind of feeling to know that you're giving to someone who may need it, and sometimes that's a present to yourself all on it's own. There has never been a charity that has hit close to home though, that I myself have truly been able to relate to and help others with. So thus this months goal; Car was fundraiser for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?
SIDS is when babies ages one month to a year old die in their sleep for unexplained reasons. I have been asked this question countless times in my life and I'm sure I will be asked every time I mention my brother.

January 30th 1998 was the year my brother passed away from SIDS. He was one and a half years old.
It is an unforgettable morning. My mother waking us all up to get us ready for the day to suddenly panicking and yelling into the phone to a doctor that he wasn't breathing and desperately trying to bring him back to life. I had taken on a protective role at the age of five and had grabbed my younger sister and hid her with me under a blanket on a rocking chair while everything chaotic happened around us. So young we didn't understand what was really going on at the time, we were left at a family friends house until we were taken by my father to the hospital where they had told us that my brother had passed away. It's something you never forget, but it's something I wouldn't want to forget. It was my brother after all and I will always keep him in my heart and mind forever.

Now, on September 25th we always celebrate my brothers birthday, last year my mom, sister, and I got matching tattoos in remembrance to him. But this time I want to do something that will not only celebrate his birthday but also help others who may have loss their babies to SIDS and also let more people get familiar and aware with what it is, I myself am surprised how many people do not know about SIDS but I'm sure if our family hadn't fallen victim we may still not clearly understand what it is.
Ergo, fundraiser for SIDS. With help from some dear friends, we will be organizing a bikini car wash for people to come and get their vehicle washed by donation and all proceeds will be going to SIDS research. I am doing this in August instead because September in BC it starts to get a wee chilly and I don't think the people who are volunteering want to be freezing their bottoms off in bikinis or swim trunks.
I'm very excited to start my own fundraiser as I have never done this before yet it has always been a goal and I do hope I can help some people become aware and help some families with recent losses.
I hope whoever is reading can either help volunteer in any way, maybe bring your car down so we can wash it, or it will inspire you to help your community in some way. I'll also post a link where you can make donations to SIDS research, any penny helps!

The event will be taking place in Maple Ridge, BC, Canada at the Haney Public on Friday August 31st 12pm-3pm. Check out their site and please drink responsibly if you decide to stay and have a drink after your car is squeaky clean!


Now for an explanation about my guitar goal. I am disappointed in myself that I haven't been able to complete that goal. Sometimes things have to be put on hold in your life and this was one of them. Life had gotten hectic with two jobs and dealing with university. I'm not sad that I haven't completed this goal, because hey that's life and sometimes it's going to hold you back from things but that doesn't mean I won't have another chance to complete it, it is a goal for a reason and one day I plan on teaching my self still, so in a way I am happy that I will still have this opportunity, I'm not sad. So don't worry if you fail on a goal you can always try again. I've already completed two goals that I kicked my butt at and those felt so accomplishing and I'm still going to keep kicking my butt to finish the other ones, there is no way I am stopping I just felt it deserved an explanation as to why I did not write a completion post. Don't hate me! ^^; When I do get back to that goal I will be sure to write about it! Until then I'm going to keep on going with my others because I can do this and you can to!

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 1 Goal: Learn Guitar

Quickly going to apologize that I haven't posted my third month goal, I've been super busy and short on time and I really don't want to write it after a long day where It'll be sloppy and short, I want to take my time and explain my reasoning for every goal. On the flip side though I am not starting my goals on the first day and I feel like I am cheating myself, so starting after this month I will be completing and starting every goal when I said I'm going to - at the beginning of the month and at the very end!

I love music. I honestly wish my life had a soundtrack for everything I did. Whenever I find myself in a certain feeling of emotions there is always certain songs I can relate to and will play repeatedly. There has always been a tinge of jealousy in my body when people have great singing voices, where I on the other hand sound like a dog with a shock collar on still trying to bark. (Great example, I know) But there is something I can do that is still musical, and that is teach myself how to play an instrument.
When I was eight years old I used to play piano, I was very good but my heart wasn't in it, when you're young you don't really know what you want and I was in it because my mother wanted me to and thought I enjoyed it, but when I would go to my lessons I would fool around and slack, I would despise going home to practice and when you are naturally good you're teacher pushes you to play more classical when you would rather just play itsy bitsy spider, you know this isn't something you should be doing. I would win first place talent shows even but there was no pure desire. At nineteen I wish I had stuck in piano and just sucked it up for a little while longer because now I would do anything to be able to still play how I used to. Luckily I still remember how to play notes and understand chords so I thought to myself, why not try a different instrument? Ergo, guitar. My father had an old acoustic guitar he never played and he gave it to me. I haven't really touched it since he's given it to me because there was just no desire to teach myself nor did I have the time. So I think now is the perfect time to make this my goal.

I've decided I will teach myself all the notes and chords, learn some basic strumming and then focus on learning one song to perform at the end of my blog (The song choice I will leave as a surprise for the end of the month!) I am going in with a bit of an advantage having piano under my belt and my father teaching me the basic strums of Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple.
Wish me luck and if you or you know anyone who does play the guitar and could give me a few pointers on what I am getting myself into, that'd be fantastic.


Here is my beaut of a guitar! She's tuned and ready to be played.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

June 30: Be Healthy - COMPLETE!

My second goal is done and I feel amazing.

One word I'd use for this months goal is, determination. If you want to work out you really have to be determined because it takes time out of your day and you are constantly pushing yourself for the whole time you are there. Not only is the actual work out hard but eating properly is a task on it's own.

What I think of being healthy; It's a difficult task to keep up but you have to just stick to it. I will admit I am a hypocrite, I thought I would prefer running outside and that being majority of my workout but a friend of mine got me a free month pass at his gym so I decided to give it a shot...and I ended up loving it. When I do work out at the gym there is a little bit of pressure around you from the other people working out but if you just focus on yourself and get into it you realize none of them matter, they're there to do their own workout and you're there to do yours. I was quite naive to think that cardio would be the only thing I'd have to do. My friends showed me a good work out for what would work for me and would help me what I want to achieve. I would go everyday after work around seven for an hour, plug my ipod in and run my bottom off to aggressive music like Foo Fighters, Coheed and Cambria, and My Chemical Romance.
While changing my food diet, eating healthier has made me become more aware of what I am putting in my body. When you really take the time to look at what ingredients and calories are in the food you realize that, that moment of something full of sugar that gives it that rich taste is going to have a huge downfall on your body and make you crash easily.
Be Careful. STOP if something feels wrong! Sadly during my work out experience I started to feel an uncomfortable pain in my knee after I would run which would leave me limping afterwards and almost unbearable to walk on. I had developed something called "Runners Knee" (Patellofemoral Pain). The cartilage in my knee was starting to wear and it could be very dangerous and result in having to get surgery. I was ignoring it at first and trying to walk it off until it got more serious and started to effect my walking day after day, so I've had to take care of it so it can heal properly by wearing a knee brace, not running on the treadmill but going light on the elliptical and bike and icing it after every work out. Don't be silly like me and if something is feeling wrong with your body while you work out, find out immediately, don't wait around until it gets worse deal with it before you keep going so you can prevent it from getting worse! 

None of this was easy, it was something I definitely underestimated. But the reward was always amazing, you feel so refreshed after pushing your body and in a few days you feel as if you can push just a little bit more.
If you've been wanting to start working out, what have you been waiting for? If you're unhappy with your weight or you just want to get toned - like me - you just have to tell yourself you can do it. In the next day just go to the gym, pay for a monthly pass so it forces you to go or ask them for a free week trial so you can see if you feel comfortable. Trainers are always available to help you out or just ask someone who goes frequently that knows what they are doing. The best feeling is sticking to what you tell yourself and actually accomplished it. With every goal I do and complete I feel so achieved and have more belief in myself, there's nothing more rewarding I find then doing what you want.

Just because this goal is over doesn't mean I am going to stop. I have learned a lot about my own health and will continue going to the gym to get my body where I want it to be, but also I will be continuing onto my next goal! Which I will be posting about tomorrow. Thanks everyone who continues to look at my blog and supporting me and asking me about it through e-mail or in person, it's an amazing feeling to know there are some people I'm helping out there, seeing 750 views on this was mind blowing!


Here is a before and after shot of my body, so far so good it is getting there.

My workout

I start my work out with a drink of water that's mixed with something called eboost, it's full of caffeine and vitamins so it burns the good fat and gives you a great boost of energy and it's sponsored by Oprah, who doesn't love Oprah? They have three flavours but my favorite is the pink lemonade, yummy.

At the beginning of the month I would walk on incline for five minutes, run for five minutes, so on so forth for half an hour. Now on the treadmill I run for twenty five minutes straight then do a light walk for five minutes. (With my knee messed up at this time though I do the elliptical for half an hour on a medium resistance then bike for twenty minutes)
Then I do aerobics for half an hour.

I begin with squats, fifteen reps of five sets with a 24lb bar

Then I move onto abs
Eight sets - fifteen reps of sit ups with a 10lb weight
fifteen reps of bicycle movement
fifteen reps of crunches
then plank! (Which is the worst)

After a tough work out it's time to flex your sick pipes in the mirror and show off your wicked bod you just worked out...Until your friend comes along and shows you up with their huge muscles...
Good Luck.

Monday, June 4, 2012

June 1 Goal: Be Healthy!

Welcome to my second goal!

I just want to quickly add an apology as it is June fourth when I am writing this, during the weekend I had to go on a wild goose hunt to find the shoes I wanted to buy to start this goal, and let me tell you it was hard to find a size six in the new Nike Free's, I was told I got one of the last pairs in the lower mainland! 

I feel as if I should tread lightly in what I type because I don't want to come off that I think I am fat or obese because I know that I am not fat. I know a lot of people want to lose weight let it be one or two pounds or fifty, it seems to be everyone's goal sometime in their life - and an over used New Years resolution that seems to never be completed. For myself I'm not focused on losing weight but more-so turning my fat into muscle, I want to tone my body and also start a better diet because like almost everyone I love fast food and junk food, but while it feels good for those few minutes you are left feeling sick to your stomach for hours wondering, why did I just do that to myself? I've started to become more aware of this the past few months and have been telling myself, "Savi, stop putting that junk into your body and start working it off!" But with work everyday it just becomes a cheap and easy thing to eat for lunch and then when I am off work I don't feel the need to want to go to the gym, just sit at home and relax. So hence the reason for my second goal, be healthy

So this is what I am doing for myself,
For exercise I won't go to the gym I'm not a big fan of over crowded places that have a stench of bad body odor and comparing myself to the other people working out around me, it's almost embarrassing when you've just started working out while a lot of people have been going for awhile already. I'm a nature lover and I love to listen to music so what I've found comfortable is I do a few warm up's in my house like crunches and squats, stretch out the limbs then go for a jog around the block for ten minutes, walk for another ten minutes then jog again for ten minutes. I do plan to further push myself to run for longer but for starting I think that is good enough, you don't want to strain your body too much when you're beginning! Also if you're like me and like to be alone for working out, I usually go around 7PM when not many people are outside anymore, it's quiet and you don't have to worry too much about people seeing you. For food I have started packing lunches for work, usually a sandwich on whole wheat bread with good ol' Pb and J, an apple and then thinsations as dessert or a handful of baked chips (no trans fat!) then of course water, lots and lots of water throughout the day to keep myself hydrated, it's even better if you add some slices of lemon in there. Then when I come home it's around seven so it's dinner time and I'm trying to make home cooked meals that are good for you. 
Always choose proper exercises that are going to benefit you, just because I am doing something doesn't mean it's going to work for you. I have some good friends who know everything and anything about a proper work out so they've been helping me a lot already and giving me tons of tips, if you don't have any friends like that there are always personal trainers that can help you out to even just get you started so you can work out alone - never be afraid to ask for help. 
Some other little things I've found help to get you going is go for a hike, it's a lot of work but usually when you're climbing a mountain the reward at the top is worth it, you get a gorgeous view of what is below you and it makes you feel so accomplished, and you also get that beautiful dose of mother nature and clean oxygen, I know for myself I will be going on more hikes. If you have a friend who is also wanting to start getting into shape maybe they can join you, I know I have a good friend who asked if she could join me in this goal of course i said yes, this also gives the opportunity for us to push each other to keep going because sometimes you need someone to tell you to keep going when you feel like giving up. This may sound silly but those shoes I talked about earlier are another reason to force me to work out. They're the new Nike Free's 2012, not only are they super cute but they are made for running and they cost a pretty penny (130.00$ yikes) so if I spent this much on shoes I might as well get a use out of them - so in a sense by spending so much on them it forces me to wear and use them, or else it'd be like throwing away 130.00$ and who wants to do that!?
Working out isn't going to be easy I know that, I may pass out or throw up, but as long as I keep going that's all that matters. The hardest step is the first one out the door, so just believe in yourself and you can do it (Also put a little belief in me to do this the whole month, my body is already sore from the past three days, ouch)


   I'm adding a picture I took at the beginning of the month of how my body looks now, it's the "Before" frontal and side body picture and at the end of the month I'll post one of the "After" and hopefully you can see some improvement in my stomach! And yes I do have a Hello Kitty Ipad case.

These are my babies, my Nike Free's in hot pink oh how my feet look like they are illuminating light while I run.

Looking out at the view after our long hike at teapot hill, was so beautiful! And look at those shoes, they are so bright in the picture!
My best friend and I gazing off into the horizon, d'aaw

Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31: create a painting - COMPLETE

It is the end of the month, which means the end of my first goal.

If I could describe painting with one word it would be, challenging. I'm not going to lie, it wasn't a walk in the park like I thought it would be and I feel as if I rushed to achieve something I could have put more time and effort in. Life does come in the way but that is no excuse, if you want to do something you really have to put your heart and soul into it and give your self time to finish it. Giving myself a deadline really does help though because then you're pushed to keep going and finish something by that time. So honestly give yourself a dead line it really truly helps! That is probably what I've learned the most from my first goal, even though I thought I'd learn more about painting - funny how things go isn't it?

What I think of painting; it is very different from drawing, more than I expected. I took a lot of time to learn about the different paints I had, because in the kit I was given I had water colours, acrylics, and oil paints. Learning how all of them are used was a task all on it's own and I found you really need to know your stuff to make the style of painting you want. I'm so used to shading with a pencil that actually taking paints from a darker colour to a lighter version was interesting and I can say I had a little too much fun with that, diluting the red until it was almost white, that was probably my favorite part and you can really tell it was in the painting. Oil was my least favorite as it seemed to clump and dry quickly when I tried to use it, which you can tell in the branches but it had to be learnt sooner or later. Besides painting the picture it was really relaxing. This month I had a couple days where I wasn't in a pleasant mood (We all have them here and there) So I'd plug in my ipod and listen to the upbeat songs by Jason Mraz (The lyrics of I wont give up still rings in my ear) or John Mayer and suddenly find myself happy as this painting came more and more to life. It's the small things that can really lift your spirits back up and realize that what you were bummed out about wasn't that big of a deal to begin with. I'd recommend painting to those who just want to take their mind off something and maybe you'll even create a masterpiece with the anger held inside of you! 

Why I chose to paint what I did. If anyone really knows me they know how fascinated I am with anything and everything that comes from China or Japan. (Being a quarter Chinese also gives me something to brag about, aw yeah) I loved the movie, Memoirs of a Geisha and after that I've always been intrigued to learn more about them and the culture behind it. A Geisha is an art it self and literally means performing artist. So since I am an artist I loved the idea of having an artist itself in my painting, with a bold red colour in the kimono that would fade into a soft pink like it was eluding into the wind, then in the back I focused on a yellow hue that would represent a sunny, happy feel that would also fade into a softer yellow for comfort. It felt empty with just that so I added a branch with cherry blossoms (I will be the first to say my cherry blossoms look horrible in the painting, but I will practice and get better!) and I also added a little detail into the kimono to not make it look so plain. I want my painting to give that warm feeling, something that just makes you feel happy.
It's my first painting and it won't be my last I really want to learn more about it, hopefully I can take a few classes in University that will teach me more about how to paint and skills used to making a beautiful painting. I understand this painting isn't amazing but it is my first and we all got to start somewhere, not everyone is gifted right at the beginning, you have to work hard to achieve what you want.

My first goal is complete and I feel so inspired by myself and even you - the people reading my blog. I came on a few days to check and my first post had 330 views! I've found people on Pinterest re-pinning my blog, Facebook people are sharing it, retweeting it on Twitter, and even Google plus getting it out in the circles. You reading and showing other people my blog is amazing and all I can really say is thank you from the bottom of my heart, it actually means a lot. I really hope that I'm giving you some sort of inspiration to achieve your goals as well because that's what I am truly doing this for! 
I find though that writing only at the beginning and end of the month isn't enough so I think I'll also post in the middle just to write about my progress. 
So starting tomorrow - June 1st I will move onto my next goal! 


Now after all that reading lets show the painting!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 1 Goal: Create a painting

Hello again!

So now begins my journey of one goal, one month and all I can say is I am super excited. I've decided to plan my goals in a certain way, starting from the simpler ones to progressing into the harder ones that I'll have to work more towards. I'm not completely sure how I will write posts, maybe one at the beginning of the month, one in the middle and then at the end, but we'll have to see how it all goes.

So let's get to the point of my first goal, "Create a painting".  
There are so many different styles of art; drawing, painting, sculpting, dance, singing, sewing, cooking, etc. But not everyone is good at them we may fall into one of the categories and be a natural at it while we struggle with the others, like myself for example. I have the voice of a hyena when it comes to singing, I may as well have two left feet when it comes to dance, my cooking skill can barely pass making tacos, and sewing...Well lets just not go there. But there is one thing in this category I was blessed with and that is drawing.

 I was five years old when my brother passed away and a family friend gave my mother, sister and I these journals to write in about him. In this journal I would draw pictures of my feelings and get my mom to write beside it what they meant. As I got older I would start drawing more and write little descriptions of my own. Soon though I found myself drawing out of the book and just onto paper, these drawings started turning into stories of my own and I would make little comics, now I don't know anymore what they were even about because I was so young. At the age of twelve I learned what anime was and started to get these crazy fantasy ideas and started drawing out my own 'characters' then making a background that turned into stories and I'd draw for hours - though I kept all of this a secret, I think only my mom knew back then. Sometimes friends would come over and somehow find my hidden drawings and would tell me how good I was, I'd be too embarrassed and just hide them again. My family started to see more of my art and I started to open up because it was never negativity I received, it was always compliments and how I should show more of my art. I started making drawings for my mom and she'd hang them up at her work place, as a secretary everyone would see and she'd always come home telling me how clients loved my drawings. I remember one of the clients that came in to her work saw them and was opening a Japanese restaurant and wanted me to do a mural on their wall, being thirteen at that time I felt way to nervous and shy so I declined. 
As I got older I started to challenge myself, I'd try realistic, scenery, you name it I tried it. There were times I'd sit there and get frustrated, even a few tears here and there but I'd never quit. I knew back then it's hard to find a good paying job in the art industry and my dad told me to be a tattoo artist, at the time that wasn't what I wanted to do, I wanted to make comics so I could also make stories and see them progress into cartoons (or anime). At sixteen that dream started to fade for some reason, I can't exactly remember why, but I got my first tattoo then and I really saw how amazing it is that you can take a piece of art and put it on your skin forever. I started getting more interested in tattooing and ever since then it's been one of my goals (But we're not at that goal yet!) 

So why try painting? I feel that painting can be close to drawing, though I could be completely wrong, but doesn't mean I don't want to try and find out for myself. For my nineteenth birthday my dad got me this huge painting set, I can't honestly say I was pleased with the present because it wasn't really something I wanted to do but my dad told me to try a different style of art. I kept telling him maybe one day but I think I've procrastinated long enough and this will be a perfect first goal. To me it looks foreign because I have no idea what to do with it yet but I'm going to figure it out! 
I won't say what I've decided to paint because I want it to be a surprise at the end of the month, I'm nervous and excited to try it out, even if I do end up making a not-so-good painting I can at least say that I have tried so here's hoping it looks good so I can brag!


PS. If there are any actual painters out there that could give me tips, I would love you forever. 

PPS. If you'd like to check out more of my art check out while you're at it, give it a like! To get you interested in checking out my art I'll even add a few drawings I've done in the past nyahaha (That's an evil laugh)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

hello hello hello!

One goal, one month

Exactly what I am aiming for for the next year. One goal per month. The problem is that there are so many teenagers like myself who have these huge dreams, ambitions, want to make a change but we don't know how or where to start. Maybe because we're shy or embarrassed to share that we truly want deep down, who we are. No one wants to be left vulnerable and hurt or laughed at for something they dream of. 

Why am I doing this? I haven't had the easiest life, losing my brother from SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), a nasty divorce between my parents influenced by drugs and abuse, losing our house and moving in with my grandparents but through out it all I have grown into a strong, independent individual always finding the light to the other side, because the sad truth is everyone has a story that could break your heart. We all have our own getaway when we don't want to face the world. When I was too depressed to face reality I'd drift off into my goals, dreaming them and then eventually drawing them out, drawing still is my biggest get away from life where I can get lost and all my thoughts are focused onto one thing that can make me happy no matter what. The only problem is drawing your dreams on paper isn't the same as really living them. But where do I begin? Will people laugh? A thousand thoughts ran through my mind, the time I realized was now. What was I even waiting for? They don't just happen on their own you have to take hold and just, start. I know I'm good at putting things off but if I'm forced to write about it, forced to share it, do whatever to make it public and known I'll have to follow through. Call me cheesy but if I only did this for myself I'd feel...Selfish, unaccomplished, sure I'm finally doing what I'd love to do but it would go unnoticed, I wouldn't be helping anyone along the way. 

I'm going to share my twelve goals for the months coming up, starting May first. I wont go into description about them until it's the month of them because each one of them has a story behind it for why I want to do them.

May - Create a painting
June - Start making healthier choices, take care of my body
July - Learn the guitar on my own
August - Bikini car wash fundraiser for SIDS
September - Further tattoo career
October - Independence
November - Face a fear
December - Volunteer for homeless
January - Meet a role model in my life
February - Spread the love
March - Go to Japan
April - Surprise!

So here I am, hoping to not only inspire myself but you as well. I don't care if you're thirteen or fifty, as long as I can even inspire you and just you, that's satisfying enough for me. 

Live your life