Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 1 Goal: Independence

Sometimes life grants you with a favour when you are working towards something that can help you out along the way. Things can change that you have planned and so you have to learn how to work around it to keep things going successfully. 

What I'm getting at is for what was suppose to be my October goal is now going to be my September goal and October I will be doing what I was going to do this month.
 Why? Well for my October goal I had planned to learn the meaning of "independence" and try to move out of my mom's house. I knew last month that that wasn't going to happen because I decided to go back to school and it was going to take a lot of my time to focus on that and I will be the 'struggling student' so money would be a big issue as well. 
Luckily this month, my sister decided to take a job experience being a Nanny in Nova Scotia for four months and my mother is going to Manitoba to visit family and her long time boyfriend for three months which leaves me with an empty house all to myself and a lot of responsibility. So this works out for me perfectly to experience what it will be like to live on my own, take care of a house and learn how to be smart with money (Which will be so difficult when you're a shoppaholic like me).

I will have to pay for groceries, cook my own meals, clean the house, pay for any car expenses, and as I type this never ending list I am thinking to myself, why am I doing this again? Oh right I get to realize what it's like to be independent....Woohoo, now I'm wishing my mom could take care of me my whole life! I'm glad I don't have a baby or kid to worry about as well. I'm already saying kudos to you stay at home moms and I haven't even started! 
Also if my friends are reading this, no it doesn't mean I will be having any crazy house parties so don't bother asking you brats. 

All joking aside I am excited to see what it will be like to have to be on my own, I also feel like it's going to prepare me for April when I plan on leaving to live in Japan for a few months - ah but we won't talk about that until I get there!

Wish me luck  T_T

PS. I know I know it's September 2nd but I had a rough weekend waiting since 3am to shop at an Aritzia sale (Like I said, shoppaholic) And I had a cold so it got worse waiting so yesterday I literally slept all day until this morning, on the bright side I am feeling better thanks for caring :3