Thank you, thank you, thank you.
To everyone who helped me out, supported me, and donated I am so grateful. You all helped make this goal for me possible.
Planning a charity was actually a lot of work! I never knew it would be so hard to find a place to even hold a car wash but luckily after calling dozens of places The Haney Pub in Maple Ridge helped us out and let us use their parking lot, which was great because it was on a busy road and they helped us out even by letting us borrow their supplies.
We did the car wash for 3 hours and in the end we made $685.00! Which is amazing and mind blowing I can't even think of words I'm at such a loss still.
This fundraiser was a huge hit, I am so grateful for all the support that was given in memory of my brother. My friends for supporting me, even if they couldn't make it out to help they still told me they'd donate and that I am in their thoughts, my family for sticking by my side and helping me wash all those cars, even my sister who is currently on the other side of Canada was still cheering me on and was there in spirit, the strangers who took a few minutes of their day to let us wash their cars and explain to them why we were holding the fundraiser and the story of my brother, their generous donations that left me speechless every time, and even the sun for shining down on us and gifting us with beautiful weather to wash cars in!
After all of this I am very anxious to send in the money and a letter to SIDS organization, I am sure it will help some families dealing with losses and help research progress.
I think my brother would be very proud of us all, how everyone managed to come together for a couple hours and support one another with support and love. It felt so rewarding to be doing something for someone else for a change, knowing that all the work we did is going to help someone who needs it. We are hoping we can make this an annual thing now and do it every August, we'll come back bigger and better! This goal is probably the most rewarding I have done so far and it makes me so glad that I have decided to do this, it's truly turning my life around and showing me people can make a difference even if it is one step at a time (or a month).
I can't say thank you enough to everyone and for everything they did to help me on this day.
Thank you.
Tomorrow I start my September goal, but until then I am going to take a long long well needed nap. Fighting!
Best friend Jess, hosing down some cars!
Cass's friends came to help! Thanks Jordan, Kiana and Erik
Our great advertisement
No matter how many times I told Nanny to stop she worked her butt off washing cars, crazy old lady!
That's a serious washing face
Had a little bit too much fun with the pressure washer
Mom wearing a shirt in memory of Eric
Was scared to wash this car, it was so nice!